LyncMe for every position and job
1 | 4 minutes read | 3 years ago | 443 views

Few people on the Internet have an entrepreneurial spirit as well as influential people. Combining social interaction and creativity with digital smartphones, influencers are at the forefront of some of the most exciting things happening on the Internet right now.
LyncMe Social Symbols
We are fortunate to host many of the best influencers in the world as part of LyncMe Members. #LyncMe has created a space where the best influencers can communicate best with their users. And we are happy that we can take a step for all the people of the world to achieve their dreams of becoming a brand and becoming an influencer.
Let's take a look at ways to effectively use LyncMe to make your content and business better seen.
1. Run multiple campaigns at once
You should always put all the content of your business in a line and defend all aspects of your business #information, always advertise them, and do not neglect the power of advertising. Using LyncMe gives you enough space to display your information comprehensively while keeping all your partners happy and your revenue stream satisfied. Know that you should not underestimate your business information as this can be important for your users.
Tools that will work best for you:
Spotlight Button - Set the most important part of your business information in this part because it is the most visible part for your user and can be easily accessed.
Message Bar - By activating this section, you can display important news about your business to your users.
Opening Hours - By filling in the time section of your business activity, you can display the service hours to your users, and this will speed up the section requested by your #customer.
Video and Video Links - Embed your video content directly in your LyncMe, and continue to watch and click for more content.
2. Get conversion data that you can show to brands
Data is your wing when you are negotiating projects. Be able to provide brands and partners with insights into how engaging your audience is with your content, what is driving your conversions, and where you are most likely to refer your business. With LyncMe, you can easily identify and screen your audience.
Geographic data - Know where your audience is from. You may even find that a country with more traffic than you expect creates a new opportunity for participation.
SEO Settings - With this feature you can use a word or description about your business to get better results in search engines. And draw your audience to your business.
Google Analytics Code - A rich and widely used tool for controlling website traffic as well as directing your marketing with LyncMe.
Facebook Pixel ID - #Facebook Pixel is a feature #provided by LyncMe so that you can track Facebook ads, optimize ads, create targeted #audiences for future ads, and for people who have already worked on your #website. Have slow marketing.
3. Full control over your brand
Your personal brand is probably completely unique to you - after all, you have increased the audience around it! So being able to show what your #brand is all about is important. With LyncMe you can flex a wide range of customization tools.
Personalize your page - you can design all your profile symbols to fit your brand logo.
Change the fonts and shapes of your buttons - Get creative and see if the button and font options change shape.
4- Increase your audience in the breadth of your channels
LyncMe is a unique Minisite for all your content. Not only do you have to update it in one place, but you only have one link to share to get your traffic to it.
Put your LyncMe everywhere - Try to link your content to your LyncMe using it in the BIO across all operating systems and in campaign links.
Use a custom Connect Your Domain - This great feature allows you to create a domain for your brand and allow your users to search for your profile with the same name they already knew and go to your profile. This feature is very valuable for your users. Do not doubt and activate it now.
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