LyncMe Academy

  • The more you build trust, the more you have sales
      Now, most people use state-of-the-art technology in their life. They try to save their time in different ways, among them online business is the most highlighted one. But absorbing customers by building trust has turned into an intellectual preoccupation for owners’ business. Therefore, they search for ways to build trust and absorb more customers in the competitive world. It is hard
  • A few steps to better manage customer relationship
    Customer relationship management is one of the most important and fundamental ways for your business to survive, which can help retain customers and attract more customers.Nowadays, customer relationship management has been studied and interacted more than before. Now let me tell you what is customer relationship management?Customer relationship management is about providing services to them, foll
  • Communication skills are an effective way to attract customers
    Whether you are in a personal business or a large company, communications can help you achieve your goals and success.According to the Carnegie Institution of Technology, only 15% of financial success comes from technical knowledge or skills. Forbes reports that another 85% of a person's ability to communicate effectively, negotiate and lead.Communication helps a lot not only in the success of wor
  • Cookies & PrivacyWe do care about your privacy. we use cookies to give you the best experience of our website and our platform. By browsing and using our services on your browser, mobile app and any service is related to us you agree to our use of cookies. Accept itMore information